
Based on TIP 42 from SAMHSA

  • Identify the four key findings regarding co-occurring disorders
  • Identify one of the main challenges for working with homeless populations
  • Define the "No wrong door” policy
  • Explain the benefit of mutual self-help for people with COD
  • Discuss integrated care as a priority for people with severe and persistent mental illness
  • Define the National Registry of Effective Programs and Practices
  • Differentiate between substance dependence and substance abuse
  • Identify the different levels of service for persons with co-occurring disorders
  • Define the Quadrants of Care
  • Define the Comprehensive Continuous Integrated System of Care as it pertains to treating persons with co-occurring disorders
  • List the Six Guiding Principles in Treating Clients With COD
  • Identify ways to Ensure Continuity of Care
  • Discuss ways to Improve Substance Abuse Treatment Systems and Programs
  • List the be Six Areas of Intermediate-Level Competencies Needed for the Treatment of Persons With COD