Pornography Addiction Treatment Model

Hello!  I am so glad you decided to join us and learn more about how to help your clients with pornography addiction. Unlike other programs that only address one facet of the addiction, in our program you will address the causes and consequences of porn in all PIECES of your client's life.  

  • P= Physical: Arousal and performance issues, increased pain, disrupted sleep etc.
  • I= Interpersonal: Your relationships with yourself and others.
  • E= Emotional: Your moods, particularly the unpleasant ones
  • C= Cognitive: Your thoughts and beliefs about yourself and other people; brain fog and attention problems.
  • E= Environmental: Things (and people) in your environment that cause distress or trigger the desire to use.
  • S= Spiritual: Your values and sense of connection to the world.

Each section below provides videos and some reading to help you understand the client's journey.  In the client's program, each section also includes worksheets and reflection questions clients would be asked to complete between sessions. o use Dr. Snipes' program, clients need to sign up at  They will be able to access and download all of the resources.

$59.00 for 365 days

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