Ethics (3 Hours)
- Explore ethical and legal standards in counseling
- Discuss different codes of ethics (APA, ACA, AAMFT)
- Discuss the principles supporting and informing ethical codes (i.e. beneficence)
- Identify steps in ethical decision making
- Define, identify and discuss how to deal effectively with transference and countertransference issues
- Identify stressors in the profession and burnout prevention techniques
- Clarify personal values and their effect in a counselor's work
- Discuss the role of spiritual and religious values in counseling
- Identify cultural values and assumptions in therapy
- Identify the characteristics of a multiculturally competent counselor
- Explain the purpose of informed consent
- Identify Counselor's Responsibilities in Record Keeping
- Identify ways to reduce malpractice liability
- Define and explain the conditions for maintaining confidentiality, privilege and privacy.
- Explain HIPAA regulations and what they mean to counselors