HIV 101 (10 Hours)
- Discuss advances in HIV prevention and treatment
- List the goals of HIV Counseling, Testing and Referral (CTR)
- Identify the principles of CTR
- Differentiate between targeted and routinely recommended CTR
- Identify settings and populations that are at increased risk for HIV
- Learn about circumstances for which HIV preventative treatment exists
- Identify information all clients who request counseling should receive
- Identify the elements of HIV prevention counseling
- List the characteristics of the effective HIV CTR counselor
- List ways to reduce barriers to HIV CTR
- Correctly match HIV test technologies and results (screening vs. confirmatory)
- Identify the difference between a reactive and nonreactive sample
- List possible referral needs for clients testing HIV positive or for high-risk clients
- Identify barriers to accessing referral resources
- Learn the 11 standards to assess for quality assurance