Promoting Wellness (6 Hours)

  • Describe why should a counselor be concerned with promoting wellness
  • Describe how good nutrition contributes to protecting against depression, anxiety
  • Discuss how obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension can contribute to depression and anxiety
  • Describe cholesterol
  • List the issues that are related to obese people developing depression
  • Explain how depression can lead people to eat more and be more sedentary leading to obesity which worsens the depression
  • Explain why “comfort foods” high in sugar can cause a “crash” in blood sugar leading to a worsening of depression
  • Identify the percentage of high school girls who have used vomiting or laxatives for weight control in the last three months
  • Identify the percentage of high school girls reporting subclinical symptoms of eating disorders
  • Describe ways obese patients are viewed
  • Discuss the impact of obesity on patients receiving adequate medical treatment
  • Identify how early the negative attitudes towards obese people emerge
  • Explain why unhealthy people often are not motivated to make healthy changes
  • Describe ways clinicians can help patients focus on environmental factors that influence eating and activity
$18.00 for 90 days

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