As we become aware of the full magnitude of the pornography and sex addiction issues, people are realizing that these clients need specialized treatment. The SPARC track provides you with indispensable information about what sex and pornography addiction are, how they are similar and different to substance addictions, treatment interventions and relapse prevention tools that can be used with your clients. The track includes AI assistance to help you better learn and apply the information.
Define sex and pornography addiction
Compare and contrast sex addiction with drug addiction
Identify and evaluate the impact of porn
Assist clients in increasing their motivation to stop using porn
Identify basic processes underlying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Contextual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for addiction treatment
Learn tools to help clients stop using porn and deal with cravings
Discover new ways to help clients rebuild self-esteem and restore personal integrity
Identify tools that can assist sex addicts
Explore current protocols for early recovery of the sex addict
Identify issues that may impact the relationship and ways to engage the significant other in the recovery process
Learn about the impact of automatic thoughts and ways to help patients deal with negative automatic thoughts
Understand the impact of past experiences and life history on the development of addiction
Identify techniques for breaking the cycle of self blame
Help clients learn how to tolerate things going well
Explore the effects of sex and pornography addiction on the viewer, the partner and the relationship.
Identify pitfalls in the recovery process
Help clients heal a relationship harmed by porn use
Understand what "normal" behaviors from both partners often looks like after a betrayal
Explore ways to re-open lines of communication
Help clients develop a thriving and satisfying sex life without using porn
Define relapses and triggers
Create a relapse prevention plan: Identifying triggers and developing positive behavioral alternatives
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