Faith Based Counseling Courses
Define spirituality
Explore connectedness, awe and wonder, and faith
Explore honesty, authenticity, awareness,
acceptance, open-mindedness, willingness
Explore positivity, compassion, gratitude, humility,
Explore Courage, resilience, forgiveness, trust
and faith (anxiety)
Identify 7 ways to enhance each step in life
Define ACEs
Describe how communities can conduct a needs assessment.
Identify the role of faith-based organizations in identifying and meeting those needs through a ROSC
Explore ACEs in foster care and how the ROSC can help prevent and mitigate them
Define abundance
Explore how stress, anxiety and anger impacts the person physically, affectively, cognitively, environmentally and relationally, preventing abundance and hampering their self esteem and relationships.
Identify 10 skills and 5 activities to develop each skill
Define trauma
Explain the effects of trauma on all PIECES of life: Physical, Interpersonal, Emotional, Cognitive, Environmental and Spiritual
Explore common types of trauma
Examine how scripture, the church and/or the congregation may directly or indirectly cause people to experience trauma
Becoming Trauma Informed