Accurately diagnose dementias based upon symptomatology and onset
Identify effective medications
Identify common problems of persons with dementia
Identify pharmacological interventions to deal with associated problems
Describe considerations when making patient placement/treatment decisions
Differentiate between effective and ineffective interventions for persons with dementia
List the symptoms common to the dementias
Discuss the types of information and education the patient and family require
Based in part on Counselor Toolbox Episode 222 Alzheimer's and Dementias
For mental health and addiction counselors (LPC, LMHC, LPCC, LADC, CADC, and counselors in training), social workers (LCSW, LMSW, LSW, RSW), pastoral staff, case managers (CCM) and marriage and family therapists (LMFT)
Explore information on the use of the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
Differentially Diagnose Bipolar Disorder and depression
Recognize general medical conditions and drugs that may mimic depression or mania
Understand the goals of management of bipolar disorder and depression
Identify bipolar patients at increased risk of suicide
Understand the link between bipolar disorder and substance abuse
Identify key areas of consideration when making a treatment placement decision
Learn about the areas which patients with bipolar disorder and their families may need education
Familiarize self with the most common psychopharmacological interventions for bipolar disorder abd depression
Explore information on the use of the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
Identify the nature of depressive symptoms, the relationship between these symptoms and the toxic or withdrawal effects of substances, and how depressive symptoms affect treatment participation.
Explore approaches and psychosocial interventions for working with depressive symptoms, and the clinician's role and responsibilities in relation to substance abuse clients with depressive symptoms.
Determine specific principles, skills, techniques, and resources that may by used in implementing treatment strategies with clients.
Recognize the interactive and collaborative process between the counselor and client and how it supports change and enhances psychological and emotional growth.
Explore information on the use of the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders;
Understand the interaction between the diagnoses
Identify how many "problem” behaviors are semi-functional adaptations to help the person survive
Develop an understanding for how a positive change in any one area can lead to positive changes throughout the system
Explore information on the use of the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
Summarize the diagnostic characteristics for anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder
Summarize the most common psychotherapeutic interventions for each disorder
Describe the characteristics of clients with each of these disorders
Identify common psychological and medical disorders that cooccur with eating disorders
Describe how to place patients in any appropriate level of care
Identify psychological or physical symptoms in comment in eating disorders which may necessitate hospitalization
Summarize the goals of treatment for persons with eating disorders
This multimedia course is based, in part, on Counselor Toolbox Podcasts 217, 218, & 219
Review Information About Individual Development, Temperament, and Risk Factors
Review Basic Concepts of Prevention
Describe the Range of Treatments
Review the Basics of Mental Health Services
Explore the Role of Cultural Diversity in Mental Health Services
Discuss the Impact of the Recovery Concept
15 strategies for the prevention of mental illness including community education, early intervention services, community resource development, improving accessibility, improving cultural sensitivity, enhancing protective factors in the environment, drug and domestic violence courts to break the cycle, and more.