Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders

Courses in this category can be used for CEUs or applied to the addiction specific training domain of Diagnosis and Assessment

  • Objectives
    • Explore information on the use of the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
    • Identify the nine goals for psychiatric management of persons with PTSD or ASD
    • List the eight steps in assessment of a person with PTSD or ASD
    • Identify eight things to be considered when determining the treatment setting
    • List three characteristics which would make inpatient treatment a better choice
    • List for ways to establish and maintain a therapeutic alliance
    • Explain the most effective ways to coordinate treatment efforts
    • Identify the types of education which should be provided to patients with PTSD or ASD
    • Identify the five goals of treatment for patients with PTSD or ASD
    • Identify the three approaches which are used either alone or in combination in treating this population
    • List nine issues that should be considered when choosing the appropriate initial treatment modality
    • Describe approaches for patients who do not respond to initial treatment
    • Summarize the standard pharmacological treatment strategy for PTSD or ASD
    • Summarize the recommendations for psychotherapy with persons with PTSD or ASD
    $27.00 for 90 days
  • Objective

    • Explore historic and well-established contemporary counseling theories, principles and techniques of counseling and their application in professional counseling settings
    • Discuss the causes of PTSD
    • Examine PTSD through a strengths-based lens
    • Identify tools to help patients deal with PTSD symptoms
    • Define Cognitive Processing Therapy
    • Explore the 12 Session Protocol for CPT
    • Examine complex trauma from a developmental and strengths-based lens
    • Identify interventions to help patients acquire the skills to mitigate the impact of complex trauma
    $18.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:
    • Explore historic and well-established contemporary counseling theories, principles and techniques of counseling and their application in professional counseling settings
    • Discuss the causes of PTSD
    • Examine PTSD through a strengths-based lens
    • Identify tools to help patients deal with PTSD symptoms
    • Define Cognitive Processing Therapy
    • Explore the 12 Session Protocol for CPT
    • Examine complex trauma from a developmental and strengths-based lens
    • Identify interventions to help patients acquire the skills to mitigate the impact of complex trauma
    $18.00 for 30 days
  • Objectives
    • Explore information on the use of the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
    • Identify Key Features in the Formulation and Implementation of a Treatment Plan
    • Understand How to Establish a Therapeutic Alliance
    • Discuss Treatment Settings and Housing Options
    • Identify management concerns in each of the three stages of presentation
    • Identify Special Issues in Caring for Patients With Treatment-Resistant Illness
    • Discuss Clinical Features Influencing the Treatment Plan
    • Identify Pharmacological Treatments
    • List Other Somatic Therapies and Specific Psychosocial Interventions
    $45.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Explore data and information gathering methods
    • Learn the basic principles of suicide assessment
    • Identify ways to estimate suicide risk
    • Identify the necessary components for a suicide assessment
    • Identify risk management methods including consultation, documentation
    • Identify methods for determining appropriate placement
    • Understand the factors contributing to suicide risk
    Based in part on Counselor Toolbox Episodes 215, 212 Principles of Crisis Intervention and 235 Suicidality Recognition and Treatment and the APA guidelines for suicide intervention
    $30.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Explore historic and well-established contemporary counseling theories, principles and techniques of counseling and their application in professional counseling settings;
    • Define Readiness
    • Learn how to use the readiness ruler
    • Identify the 4 types of precontemplators
    • Identify processes people use to move through the stages of change
    • Explore the TransTheoretical Model of Change
    • Discuss the 7 steps in the change process
    $12.00 for 90 days

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