Some states will allow you to acquire a certain percentage of your continuing education through nonclinical courses.  It is IMPERATIVE that you make sure your state allows nonclinical courses for renewal purposes.  Courses in this category relate to risk management and other nonclinical topics.


  • Learn about how to collect and use data to identify resource needs and effective prevention programs and evaluate their implementation
  • Explore SAMHSA's strategic framework for prevention
  • Learn about logic models and how to implement them
  • Explore several prevention frameworks which can be helpful in creating an effective program in your area.


  • Identify various prevention frameworks
  • Implementing Community-Level Policies to Prevent Alcohol Misuse
  • Develop prevention and advocacy campaigns, create effective public policy and monitor the effectiveness of those policies Page

  • NARR Standards for Recovery Residences/
  • 397.487 Voluntary certification of recovery residences.
  • Writing Policies and Procedures
  • Risk Management


  • Research methods in the social and behavioral sciences.
  • Review statistical terms and concepts
  • Explore the reasons to use research
  • Identify places to review research literature relevant to the prevention and treatment of addiction and mental health disorders

Based on Counselor Toolbox Episode 189 Using Research Effective Application of Multidisciplinary Research