- Learn group and individual activities that can be used with clients to assist them in addressing depression
- Define emotional interventions
- Discuss why it is important to add-in happiness experiences
- Discuss solution focused methods for helping clients identify emotional interventions
- Define mindfulness and how it can help clients tap into happiness and gratitude and develop hardiness
- Explore types of emotional interventions that can be used in individual and group counseling
- Define cognitive interventions
- Discuss how thoughts, emotions an overall health impact depression
- Identify activities to help clients learn about and address cognitive distortions, irrational thoughts and distress intolerant thoughts including activities from CPT, CBT, Cognitive Restructuring, ACT and DBT
- Learn how to help clients develop psychological flexibility.
- Learn about the mind-body connection and the HPA-Axis
- Explain how physical vulnerabilities such as sickness, chronic pain, impaired sleep, lack of sunlight and poor nutrition impact mood
- Identify activities that can be done by individuals and in group to help participants reduce their vulnerabilities and cope with any unavoidable ones.
- Discuss the impact of relationships on mood
- Identify how healthy, supportive relationships can assist in recovery from depression
- Identify skills necessary to form healthy, supportive relationships
- Explore group and individual activities to help people define and develop these relationships
- Differentiate spirituality from religion
- Discuss why spirituality can be important in recovery from depression
- Identify spiritual principles like connectedness, hope, faith, courage, discipline, humility and compassion and how they can help address depressive symptoms
- Explore individual. and group activities to help clients develop these principles in themselves.
- Discuss how the environment can impact mood
- Identify characteristics of environments including noise, crowding, lighting, organization, color, temperature and smell that can impact mood
- Identify activities to help clients identify and implement practical tools to improve their environment
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Identify the symptoms of depression
- Examine the function of depression
- Explore ways depression can become dysfunctional
- Identify the impact of depression on the person and recovery
- Identify interventions that are commonly used to address depression and prevent relapse
- Help for family members or significant others in dealing with a person with this issue
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Extent of the Problem
- Risk Factors for Suicide
- Protective Factors
- Warning Signs and Precipitating Events
- Neurobiological and Genetic Factors
- The Role of Substance Use in Suicidal Behavior
- Specific Populations
- Co-Occurring Mental Disorders and Suicidal Behavior
- Accidental Versus Suicidal Overdose
- The Role of Trauma and Abuse
- Assessment of Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors
- Treatment of Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors
- Substance Abuse Treatment and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors
- The Effects of Suicide on Family and Friends
- The Effects of Suicide on Counselors
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Explore information on the use of the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
- Differentially Diagnose Bipolar Disorder and depression
- Recognize general medical conditions and drugs that may mimic depression or mania
- Understand the goals of management of bipolar disorder and depression
- Identify bipolar patients at increased risk of suicide
- Understand the link between bipolar disorder and substance abuse
- Identify key areas of consideration when making a treatment placement decision
- Learn about the areas which patients with bipolar disorder and their families may need education
- Familiarize self with the most common psychopharmacological interventions for bipolar disorder abd depression
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Differentially diagnose bipolar disorder
- Recognize general medical conditions and drugs that may mimic depression or mania
- Understand the goals of psychiatric management of bipolar disorder
- Identify bipolar patients at increased risk of suicide
- Understand the link between bipolar disorder and substance abuse
- Identify key areas of consideration when making a treatment placement decision
- Learn about the areas which patients with bipolar disorder and their families may need education
- Become familiar with the most common psychopharmacological interventions for bipolar disorder
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Explore information on the use of the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
- Identify the nature of depressive symptoms, the relationship between these symptoms and the toxic or withdrawal effects of substances, and how depressive symptoms affect treatment participation.
- Explore approaches and psychosocial interventions for working with depressive symptoms, and the clinician's role and responsibilities in relation to substance abuse clients with depressive symptoms.
- Determine specific principles, skills, techniques, and resources that may by used in implementing treatment strategies with clients.
- Recognize the interactive and collaborative process between the counselor and client and how it supports change and enhances psychological and emotional growth.
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Explore crisis/ disaster counseling
- Articulate helpful tips for dealing with client suicidality.
- List 6 Positive Attitudes and Behaviors towards clients dealing with suicidal thoughts.
- Identify warning signs for suicidality using the acronym IS PATH WARM.
- Know statistics related to suicide in order to better identify potentially suicidal clients.
- Become familiar with the GATE Procedures for substance abuse counselors.
- Differentiate among the different levels of substance abuse treatment programs for suicidality.
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
Identify multiple types of depression and why a holistic preventative approach is important
Explore the effects of depression
Identify strategies for addressing depression
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Review a case study for depression assessment and diagnosis using the transdiagnostic, transtheoretical PACER approach
- Learn about illnesses like which may impact mental health and increase depression
- Allergic rhinitis
- Pain
- Diabetes
- Sleep disturbance
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes