- Explore what caregivers really are
- Identify some of the things caregivers do
- Identify the consequences of adopting a caregiver role
- Review cognitive behavioral strategies to help caregivers prevent physical, emotional and interpersonal problems
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Cognitive aging and Alzheimer's disease
- Strategies for aging well into the 21st century
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Recognize how their attitudes and beliefs about aging and about older individuals may be relevant to their assessment and treatment of older adults
- Develop knowledge about adult development and aging
- Understand diversity in the aging process
- Understand cognitive changes in older adults., problems in daily living among older adults.
- Review theory, research, and practice of various methods of assessment and intervention with older adults, and knowledgeable of assessment instruments that are psychometrically suitable for use with them.
- Develop awareness of issues related to the provision of prevention and health promotion services with older adults.
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Normal Life-Cycle Tasks
- Cognitive Capacity With Aging
- Coping With Loss and Bereavement
- Overview of Mental Disorders in Older Adults
- Overview of Prevention and Treatment in Older Adults
- Depression in Older Adults
- Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Schizophrenia in Late Life
- Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults
- Overview of Services and Service Delivery Settings
- Issues Facing Families and Caregivers
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Describe the prevalence of substance abuse in older American adults.
- Describe the need for treatment of substance abuse disorders in older adults.
- Identify how the physical effects of normal aging can affect the way an older person responds to alcohol or other drugs.
- Identify older adult screening criteria for substance use disorders.
- Identify risk factors in older adults for substance abuse.
- List physical symptoms that can potentially signal the development of addiction.
- Describe delirium and dementia.
- List indications for inpatient substance detoxification.
- Describe brief interventions for substance abuse.
- Describe the FRAMES Approach.
- Explain the different types of treatment settings and their individual characteristics.
- Explain the different treatment approaches and their individual characteristics.
- Describe age specific staffing needs.
- Identify resources for older adults and treating substance abuse in older adults.
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
identified presenting issues: Aging,
geriatric issues, terminal illness, grief and loss