- Explore how porn addiction can be a cycle
- Explore how porn (like video games) can be addictive
- Explore technological interventions to help pornography addicts
- Identify critical treatment Issues for porn addiction
- Explore how porn addiction can be a cycle
- Explore how porn (like video games) can be addictive
- Explore technological interventions to help pornography addicts
- Identify critical treatment Issues for porn addiction
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Explore the impact of pornography on relationships
- Identify common reactions to finding out about porn
- Explore needs that may fuel negative cycles
- Interventions “Relationship Rescue Breaths”
- Improving intimacy
- Dealing with insecurity, vulnerability and grief
- Helping your partner understand what porn does for you
- Addressing triggers for porn use
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Define sex and pornography addiction
- Compare and contrast sex addiction with drug addiction
- Identify tools that can assist sex addicts
- Explore current protocols for early recovery of the sex addict
- Identify issues that may impact the relationship and ways to engage the significant other in the recovery process
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
- Identify and evaluate the impact of porn
- Assist clients in increasing their motivation to stop using porn
- Learn tools to help clients stop using porn and deal with cravings
- Discover new ways to help clients rebuild self-esteem and restore personal integrity
- Help clients heal a relationship harmed by porn use
- Help clients develop a thriving and satisfying sex life without using porn
- Teacher: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes