Courses in this track are available as part of one of our unlimited packages.
  • This track will provide live, interactive webinars.  You will be able to interact with Dr. Snipes in real time during the broadcast via chat.  She will also ask and respond to questions after the presentation is over.  You can also email questions to
  • To get credit, participants will be required to attend at the time of the class, login using their real name, participate in the chat discussion throughout the presentation, and pass the final quiz.  These are requirements set forth by the various professional licensing boards in order to qualify the webinar toward any required  "live" CEs.
      • **IMPORTANT** Since most people do not use their name as their YouTube handle, when you join the meeting on YouTube, you MUST tell us your first name and last initial. If you do not, we have no way of verifying your interactive participation in the training.  The recording with the chatroom will be saved in case your board needs to verify interactivity.
  • Most states also require that you pass a post-test and complete a course evaluation.  There will be a link in the show notes to bring you back to the class so you can take your test. Once you pass with at least an 80% you will be emailed your certificate.  We also suggest downloading a copy and saving it to your hard drive. You are REQUIRED to take your QUIZ on the DAY OF THE CLASS.

NOTE:  Just like attending a conference, the courses are not available until the day of the course.  The day of the course you can login and see the materials. 

We will be broadcasting through  A link to the broadcast will be included in the course.