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Explain the scope of practice and code of ethics for case managers
Compare and contrast the code of ethics and scope of practice for Case Managers to that of Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counselors and Social Workers
Review the HIPAA and HITECH and how they directly relate to mental health clinicians regarding confidentiality and accessibility of protected health information.
Review the highlights of HIPAA and HITECH and how they directly relate to mental health clinicians regarding confidentiality and accessibility of protected health information.
Become familiar with some definitions of counselor identity from the counseling literature.
Get acquainted with common themes related to counselor identity, such as professional competence, professional community, and professional self.
Learn about Martin Heidegger's philosophical anthropology of the human person and how it can expand our understanding of counselors' professional identity.
Be introduced to the idea of professional competence as related to counselors' beliefs and attitudes, knowledge of the profession's history, and professional skill set.
Learn about the importance of belonging to a professional community and collaborating with other related helping professionals .
Understand the basic tenets of ethical behavior.
Integrate prior understanding with the knowledge acquired in this chapter.
Use moral principles to conceptualize an ethical dilemma.
Identify an ethical dilemma within the context of an ethical decision-making model.