Ethics, Legal, and Professional Identity

Courses in this category can be used for CEUs or applied to the addiction specific training domain of Ethics

  • Objectives
    • Review the causes and consequences of Burnout
    • Identify practical solutions to reduce stress
    • Review personal tools for reducing stress and energy drain
    • Highlight personal Recharge Activities
    • Explore organizational strategies to reduce stress and energy drain
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Explain the scope of practice and code of ethics for case managers
    • Compare and contrast the code of ethics and scope of practice for Case Managers to that of Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counselors and Social Workers
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify ethical issues in documentation (and lack thereof).
    • Examine the types of information that should be documented.
    • Identify the impact HIPAA has on record keeping ethics and procedures.
    • Identify the types of information insurers often require in charts and the ethical implications .
    • Explore ethical issues that arise with documentation when treating families, conducting groups, working in agencies, working with involuntary clients.
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Review HIPAA and HITECH
    • Critically evaluate workplaces and procedures for HIPAA security weaknesses.
    $9.00 for 30 days
  • Objectives
    • Review the HIPAA and HITECH and how they directly relate to mental health clinicians regarding confidentiality and accessibility of protected health information.
    $30.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    Review the highlights of HIPAA and HITECH and how they directly relate to mental health clinicians regarding confidentiality and accessibility of protected health information.

    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Become familiar with some definitions of counselor identity from the counseling literature.
    • Get acquainted with common themes related to counselor identity, such as professional competence, professional community, and professional self.
    • Learn about Martin Heidegger's philosophical anthropology of the human person and how it can expand our understanding of counselors' professional identity.
    • Be introduced to the idea of professional competence as related to counselors' beliefs and attitudes, knowledge of the profession's history, and professional skill set.
    • Learn about the importance of belonging to a professional community and collaborating with other related helping professionals .
    • Understand the basic tenets of ethical behavior.
    • Integrate prior understanding with the knowledge acquired in this chapter.
    • Use moral principles to conceptualize an ethical dilemma.
    • Identify an ethical dilemma within the context of an ethical decision-making model.
    $9.00 for 30 days
  • Objectives
    • Familiarize with important historical points and thinkers in the development of philosophical ethics
    • Identify the 4 most influential schools of philosophy influencing the ACA code of ethics
    • Understand the importance of coming to an individualized approach to implementing a set of philosophical ethics
    • Apply various schools of ethics in the decision making process for counseling cases
    $6.00 for 30 days
  • Objectives: 
    • Examine ethical and legal standards in counseling
    • Review basic ethical principles
    • Familiarize student with new CRCC code of ethics
    • Review Rehabilitation Counseling Codes of Ethics as they are being developed in conjunction with the ACA
    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Define disaster
    • Define All-Hazards Planning
    • Learn about continuity planning
    • Describe how disaster planning relates to ethical principles of beneficence, nonmalfeasance and fidelity
    • Identify steps to take in developing a disaster plan
    • Explore ways to handle medications, patient transfers and management of vital records.
    $36.00 for 90 days

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