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  • Objectives:

    • Identify the components of ACT
    • Explore how ACT differs from other approaches to trauma treatment
    • Learn some techniques that can help people live a rich and meaningful life
    • Explore the problem of experiential avoidance and trauma
    • Learn to develop creative hopelessness
    • Help clients use self-as-context for commitment toward valued living
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define co-occurring disorders
    • Identify the impact of addiction on the individual
    • Identify the impact of mood disorders on the individual
    • Identify the impact of chronic illness or pain on the individual
    • Explore the interplay between the three

    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Review Bowlby's theory of attachment
    • Explore the types of attachment
    • Learn about Hazan and Shaver's Adult Attachment Theory
    • Identify the impact of insecure attachment
    • Explore ways to help clients change their attachment style and feel more secure in relationships
    • Help clients increase awareness of their story including beliefs about and behavioral reactions to situations that trigger their fear of abandonment Learn about fear of abandonment
    • Explore the concept of schemas or core beliefs Examine common traps in thinking, reacting and relationships
    • Learn skills necessary to
      • Accept their past as part of their story
      • Acknowledge that their past does not have to continue to negatively impact them in the present
    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:
    • Identify the signs and causes of anger.
    • Learn about the anger cycle.
    • Learn how to develop an anger control plan.
    • Identify how prior interactions have led to problem anger.
    • Discuss the A-B-C-D model as it relates to anger management.

    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify the symptoms of anxiety
    • Examine the function of anxiety
    • Explore ways anxiety can become dysfunctional
    • Identify the impact of anxiety on the person and recovery
    • Identify interventions that are commonly used to address anxiety and prevent relapse
    • Help for family members or significant others in dealing with a person with this issue
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:
    • Differentiate between the function of screening and assessment
    • Discuss administering appraisal instruments and interpreting appraisal results in helping processes
    • Complete an accurate screening and assessment
    • Identify multiple sources of information for the assessment
    • Describe the purpose of the assessment
    • Identify types of questions for each area of the mental status exam
    • Describe the LOCUS and ASAM patient placement criteria
    • Accurately make a placement of a client using information from the assessment and LOCUS and/or ASAM
    • Identify characteristics of depression, anxiety and substance abuse disorders
    • Identify differences in assessment between age groups (adolescents, adults, elderly)
    • Identify considerations to assess validity/reliability and usefulness of various objective testing instruments
    $60.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Review Attachment Theory
    • Identify the impact of parental attachment style on children
    • Explore the impact of insecure attachment on children’s mental and physical health
    • Explore the impact of childhood attachment styles to adult attachment
    • Review attachment based interventions

    Based on Counselor Toolbox Podcast Episode 352

    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:
    • Identify case management needs of persons with substance abuse and/or mental health disorders (co-occurring).
    • Discuss how counseling differs from case management
    • Identify the five core functions of treatment professionals using case management
    • Identify the skills necessary to provide effective case management services
    • Identify common causes for the breakdown of service coordination
    • Define the various models of case management and describe how they are used with persons with mental healtha nd substance use disorders disorders
    • Identify the eight principles of case management
    • Effectively identify service gaps and establish and maintain relations with agencies and governmental entities who can address these unmet needs
    • Identify information to be shared with referral sources and necessary documentation and/or releases to provide that information
    • Establish realistic treatment and recovery expectations with the client
    • Develop relationships with agencies in order to enhance case finding activities
    • Differentiate between the services required during pretreatment, treatment and aftercare
    • Identify ways to effectively evaluate quality of care in case management programs
    • Effectively identify clients who have "special needs"
    • Identify the ways that each of the special needs impact the delivery of case management services
    • Identify referral resources in their communities

    For mental health and addiction counselors (LPC, LMHC, LPCC, LADC, CADC, and counselors in training), social workers (LCSW, LMSW, LSW, RSW), pastoral staff, case managers (CCM) and marriage and family therapists (LMFT)
    $18.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:
    • Identify case management needs of persons with substance abuse and/or mental health disorders (co-occurring).
    • Discuss how counseling differs from case management
    • Identify the five core functions of treatment professionals using case management
    • Identify the skills necessary to provide effective case management services
    • Identify common causes for the breakdown of service coordination
    • Define the various models of case management and describe how they are used with persons with mental health and substance use disorders disorders
    • Identify the eight principles of case management
    • Effectively identify service gaps and establish and maintain relations with agencies and governmental entities who can address these unmet needs
    • Identify information to be shared with referral sources and necessary documentation and/or releases to provide that information
    • Establish realistic treatment and recovery expectations with the client
    • Develop relationships with agencies in order to enhance case finding activities
    • Differentiate between the services required during pretreatment, treatment and aftercare
    • Identify ways to effectively evaluate quality of care in case management programs
    • Effectively identify clients who have "special needs"
    • Identify the ways that each of the special needs impact the delivery of case management services
    • Identify referral resources in their communities

    $60.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • CBD and Addiction
    • CBD and mental health issues
    • CBD and neurodegenerative issues
    • CBD adverse events, toxicity and drug interactions
    $12.00 for 90 days

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