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  • Objectives
    • Define learning
    • Identify assumptions about adult learning
    • Explore ways to motivate learners
    • Review learning styles
    • Learn a new skill to use in community outreach, family education and therapy groups to improve learning
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objective

    • Define complex trauma.
    • Highlight the cost of complex trauma.
    • Examine the impact and diagnostic issues of complex trauma.
    • Continue discussing impact of complex trauma on children and adolescents.
    • Identify the function of presenting symptoms.
    • Learn to apply practical tools to aid in teaching new skills and tools and helping the patient improve quality of life.


    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify the differences between anticipated and sudden loss and at least five factors that affect individual reactions to loss.
    • Explore how people perceive and make sense of trauma and unexpected change and what information and education is most helpful immediately after death.
    • Learn effective presence and support measures, self-care techniques, including self-awareness, externalization and actions.
    • Review associated complications that can arise from sudden and/or violent death and how to effectively mourn the person who died and maintain a healthy connection.

    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objective

    • Brief overview of Co-occurring Disorders
    • Research and guidelines on CODs
    • Stages of Change
    • Reframing Relapse and “Manipulation”
    • The importance of Outreach and Drug Screens
    • Strategies for Involving Family & other supports
    • Recovering communities
    • Medications
    • Therapeutic Relationship
    • 7 Core Strategies for Integration


    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify the administrative, organizational, and ethical issues relevant to Mental Health Services in a correctional setting.
    • Identify typical offender problems in many correctional systems and how they are customarily managed.
    • Explain various clinical and consultative activities offered by mental health professionals within correctional settings.
    $48.00 for 90 days
  • Objective

    • Explore similarities between addiction and criminogenic thinking
    • Identify purpose, sources of information and areas of concern for screening
    • Explore the pitfalls of diagnosis in the CJ system
    • Identify preferred screening and assessment instruments and what they measure
    • Examine placement strategies based on criminality, mental health and addiction issues
    • Discuss general treatment issues in CJ including the purpose, intervention and alternatives
    • Consider barriers to effective treatment in the criminal justice system
    • Highlight unique needs of special populations including women and the elderly in the CJ system
    $90.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    Addiction and mental health professionals will improve their understanding of:

    • American Indian and Alaska Native behavioral health.
    • The importance of cultural awareness, cultural identity, and culture-specific knowledge when working with clients from diverse American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
    • The role of native culture in health beliefs, help-seeking behavior, and healing practices.
    • Prevention and treatment interventions based on culturally adapted, evidence-based best practices.
    • Methods for achieving program-level cultural responsiveness, such as incorporating American Indian and Alaska Native beliefs and heritage in program design, environment, and staff development.
    $18.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Define characteristics of effective communication skills
    • Identify aspects that need to be assessed to express accurate empathy
    • Identify the things to assess to determine client lethality.
    • Explore crisis/disaster counseling
    • Define the different types of crises
    • Identify at least 3 ways to ensure client and personal safety in a crisis
    • List at least 5 techniques for de-escalating a crisis.
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Become familiar with some definitions of counselor identity from the counseling literature.
    • Get acquainted with common themes related to counselor identity, such as professional competence, professional community, and professional self.
    • Learn about Martin Heidegger's philosophical anthropology of the human person and how it can expand our understanding of counselors' professional identity.
    • Be introduced to the idea of professional competence as related to counselors' beliefs and attitudes, knowledge of the profession's history, and professional skill set.
    • Learn about the importance of belonging to a professional community and collaborating with other related helping professionals .
    • Understand the basic tenets of ethical behavior.
    • Integrate prior understanding with the knowledge acquired in this chapter.
    • Use moral principles to conceptualize an ethical dilemma.
    • Identify an ethical dilemma within the context of an ethical decision-making model.
    $9.00 for 30 days
  • Objectives
    • Familiarize with important historical points and thinkers in the development of philosophical ethics
    • Identify the 4 most influential schools of philosophy influencing the ACA code of ethics
    • Understand the importance of coming to an individualized approach to implementing a set of philosophical ethics
    • Apply various schools of ethics in the decision making process for counseling cases
    $6.00 for 30 days

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