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  • Objectives
    • Review current evidence based treatments for anxiety
    • Explore what causes test anxiety
    • 20 Strategies for test anxiety relief
    $12.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Identify the symptoms of anxiety
    • Examine the function of anxiety
    • Explore ways anxiety can become dysfunctional
    • Identify the impact of anxiety on the person and recovery
    • Identify interventions that are commonly used to address anxiety and prevent relapse
    • Help for family members or significant others in dealing with a person with this issue
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify the four core activities or petals on the flower
    • Identify what the stem of the flower symbolizes
    • Identify what the leaves of the flower symbolize and the ideals they represent
    • Identify the five axioms that the route of the flower are grounded in
    • Identify the four areas which should be assessed to determine what level of assistance or types of assistance are needed
    • Identify the three areas to probe to identify resources and supports
    • Discuss why family Center practices in the workplace are imperative for carrying out the "flower empower" goals
    • Define unexpected Life Events
    • Explain what is meant by "flower (em)power"
    • Explain what "family" means
    • Identify the five R’s used to promote health in expected and unexpected Life Events
    • Identify four core activities necessary to develop a genuine partnership with the family
    • Identify the three areas of major emphasis when providing family centered care
    $15.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:
    • Explore social mores and interaction patterns
    • Learn how to define target behaviors
    • Define: Discriminitive stimuli, reinforcement, punishment, reinforcement schedules, chaining, behavior strain, extinction burst, extinction
    • Practice applying these terms to behaviors
    • Identify ways to effectively apply punishment and reinforcement to modify behavior

    This multimedia course is based, in part, on Counselor Toolbox Podcast 134. Text options are available for those who prefer learning by reading.
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objective

    • Define the basic components of behavior
    • Explain how frequency, intensity and duration can be used as measures for behavior change
    • Define what a baseline is
    • Discuss the difference between punishment and reinforcement
    • Identify the different schedules of reinforcement


    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Define behavior modification
    • Explore how behavior modification can be useful in practice 
    • Learn basic behavior modification terms: Unconditioned stimulus and response. Conditioned stimulus and response, Discriminitive stimuli, Punishment, Reinforcement, Learned helplessness, Extinction burst, Shaping and Chaining
    • Identify ways behavior modification can be used in therapy
    • Identify ways in which understanding of stimuli and rewards can be used to increase change
    $18.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Examine biopsychosocial impact of addiction of the individual
    • Examine biopsychosocial impact of mental health of the individual
    • Identify the health impact of addiction on family members
    • Identify the health impact of addiction on society
    • Identify the psychological impact of addiction on family members
    • Identify the psychological impact of addiction on society
    • Identify the social impact of addiction on family members
    • Identify the socioeconomic impact of addiction on society
    $9.00 for 30 days
  • Objectives

    • Identify the symptoms of bipolar
    • Examine the function of bipolar
    • Explore ways bipolar can become dysfunctional
    • Identify the impact of bipolar on the person
    • Identify interventions that are commonly used to address bipolar and prevent relapse
    • Help for family members or significant others in dealing with a person with this issue
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify the eight components for effective psychiatric management of borderline personality disorder
    • Identify client characteristics which would necessitate partial hospitalization or brief or extended inpatient hospitalization
    • List the five components which should be included when establishing a clear treatment framework
    • List the four steps in responding to crises
    • List five techniques for establishing and maintaining a therapeutic framework and alliance
    • List the characteristics of effective treatment plans for patients with borderline personality disorder
    • Compare and contrast psychodynamic therapy and dialectical behavior therapy
    • Identify 10 features/goals for individual psychotherapeutic approaches
    • Discuss the utilization of group, couples, and or family therapy with persons with borderline personality disorder
    • Summarize pharmacological treatments for persons with borderline personality disorder
    • Identify the symptoms that can be targeted with pharmacotherapy
    $24.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Compare and contrast MET with other approaches to therapy
    • Briefly review the FRAMES approach
    • Describe the stages of change
    • Define EE-DD-AA-RR-SS
    • Identify what actions to take in each of the sessions
    • Explore strategies for increasing motivation and "rolling with resistance”
    • Discuss who is appropriate for MET
    • Discuss ways to use MET with patients with co-occurring disorders
    $12.00 for 90 days

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