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Unlimited Addiction and Mental Health Counseling and Social Work CEUs for $3/CEU
Over 500 counseling CEU courses.
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  • Objectives:

    • Explore the function of acetylcholine
    • Identify symptoms of acetylcholine imbalance
    • Learn about how acetylcholine interacts with other hormones and neurotransmitters
    • Identify medications and foods that alter acetylcholine levels
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    This class provides you the foundation knowledge to facilitate group psychoeducation based upon the QuickStart Guide for Recovery from Addiction and Co-Occurring Disorders.

    • Learn about co-occurring disorders and the interaction between addiction, physical and mental health
    • Learn about the PACER dimensions of motivation
    • Describe the components of SMART Goal Setting
    • Identify the appropriate interventions for each stage of readiness for change
    • Identify at least 3 ways to enhance self efficacy
    $15.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Learn about the stages of recovery from addiction and mental health issues
    • Explore how various symptoms at each stage contribute to relapse triggers, anger, anxiety or depression
    • Identify ways to begin coping with Physical, Affective, Cognitive, Environmental and Relationship (PACER) triggers
    • Learn about how locus of control impacts recover and how serenity can help people navigate those control issues
    • Begin learning about and developing a relapse prevention plan based on what the person has learned about themselves thus far.
    $15.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Define co-occurring disorders
    • Identify the impact of addiction on the individual
    • Identify the impact of mood disorders on the individual
    • Identify the impact of chronic illness or pain on the individual
    • Explore the interplay between the three

    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Describe the prevalence of substance abuse in older American adults.
    • Describe the need for treatment of substance abuse disorders in older adults.
    • Identify how the physical effects of normal aging can affect the way an older person responds to alcohol or other drugs.
    • Identify older adult screening criteria for substance use disorders.
    • Identify risk factors in older adults for substance abuse.
    • List physical symptoms that can potentially signal the development of addiction.
    • Describe delirium and dementia.
    • List indications for inpatient substance detoxification.
    • Describe brief interventions for substance abuse.
    • Describe the FRAMES Approach.
    • Explain the different types of treatment settings and their individual characteristics.
    • Explain the different treatment approaches and their individual characteristics.
    • Describe age specific staffing needs.
    • Identify resources for older adults and treating substance abuse in older adults.
    $18.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Psychological theories of crime.
    • Critical theory.
    • Conflict theory.
    • Deterrence and rational choice.
    • Labelling theory.
    • Self control theory.
    • Unique needs of the offender.
    • Intervention strategies.

    $90.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Review Bowlby's theory of attachment
    • Explore the types of attachment
    • Learn about Hazan and Shaver's Adult Attachment Theory
    • Identify the impact of insecure attachment
    • Explore ways to help clients change their attachment style and feel more secure in relationships
    • Help clients increase awareness of their story including beliefs about and behavioral reactions to situations that trigger their fear of abandonment Learn about fear of abandonment
    • Explore the concept of schemas or core beliefs Examine common traps in thinking, reacting and relationships
    • Learn skills necessary to
      • Accept their past as part of their story
      • Acknowledge that their past does not have to continue to negatively impact them in the present
    $9.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives
    • Identify emotional, cognitive, physical, interpersonal and environmental interventions to address and prevent emotional triggers.
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives:

    • Define FOMO
    • Explore reasons for FOMO
    • Identify consequences of FOMO
    • Review interventions to reduce the impact of FOMO
    $6.00 for 90 days
  • Objectives

    • Explore Why We Procrastinate
    • Learn how to address some of the most common causes
      • Fear of Failure (and Success)
      • Perfectionism
      • Being Overwhelmed
      • Laziness/Lack of Motivation
      • Negative Self-Talk
      • Uncertainty about How or Where to Start
    • Identify techniques to overcome procrastination
      • Do 15 and Apply Parkinsons Law
      • Shorten the daily to do list
      • Leverage Peak Energy Times
      • Be accountable to Someone
      • Pay attention to temperament
      • Low tolerance for adversity/Attitude of gratitude
      • Find (and eliminate) what rewards your procrastination
    $6.00 for 90 days

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