Below you will find summaries of the continuing education requirements for mental health and addiction counselors, marriage and family therapists, social workers, nurses and psychologists in your state and links to the appropriate regulations.

Addiction Professionals
Appears it must be from a university
Continuing Education Approvals
AllCEUs is an approved education provider for NAADAC, multiple IC&RC boards, the Florida Board of Mental Health Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy and Social Work and Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC is a practicing clinician
(1) Under Section 58-60-105, the continuing education (CE) requirements for each two-year renewal cycle beginning October 1 of each even-numbered year, for an individual licensed under Title 58, Chapter 60, Part 5, Substance Use Disorder Counselor Licensing Act, shall:(a) be completed by an individual as follows:(i) 20 hours for CSUDC;(ii) 40 hours for SUDC;(iii) 20 hours for CASUDC; or (iv) 40 hours for ASUDC…
(3) CE shall be:(a) approved, conducted, or under the sponsorship of one of the following:(ii) county, state, or federal agency;(iii) professional association, or similar body, involved in clinical mental health therapy or substance use disorder treatment; or(iv) mental health agency that provides clinical mental health services or substance use disorder treatment;(b) completed in not less than 50-minute blocks of time in one of the following formats:…(iv) seminar;(v) training session;(vi) synchronous distance learning course that is clearly documented as real-time and interactive;(vii) asynchronous distance learning course that is not real-time and interactive, up to a maximum of:(A) eight hours for a CSUDC or CASUDC; or(B) 15 hours for a SUDC or ASUDC

Marriage and Family Therapists
Accepted Approvals
AllCEUs is approved by the Florida Board of Mental Health Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy and Social Work and Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC is a practicing clinician
(1) Under Section 58-60-105, the continuing education (CE) requirements for each two-year renewal cycle beginning October 1 of each even-numbered year, for a marriage and family therapist licensed under Title 58, Chapter 60, Part 3, Marriage and Family Therapist Licensing Act, shall be 40 hours
(2) At least 15 of the required 40 CE hours must be directly related to the practice of marriage and family therapy.
…(4) CE shall be:(a) approved, conducted, or under the sponsorship of one of the following: (ii) county, state, or federal agency;(iii) professional association, or similar body, involved in clinical mental health therapy; or(iv) mental health agency that provides clinical mental health services;(b) completed in not less than 50-minute blocks of time in one of the following formats:…(iv) seminar;(v) training session;(vi) synchronous distance learning course that is clearly documented as real-time and interactive;(vii) asynchronous distance learning course that is not real-time and interactive, up to a maximum of 15 CE hours for an MFT

Mental Health Counselors
Accepted Approvals
AllCEUs is approved by the Florida Board of Mental Health Counseling and Social Work and Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC is a practicing clinician
(1) Under Section 58-60-105, the continuing education (CE) requirements for each two-year renewal cycle beginning October 1 of each even-numbered year, shall be 40 hours…(3) CE shall be:(a) approved, conducted, or under the sponsorship of one of the following:..(iii) professional association, or similar body, involved in clinical mental health therapy; or(iv) mental health agency that provides clinical mental health services;(b) completed in not less than 50-minute blocks of time in one of the following formats:…(iii) lecture or instruction up to a maximum of two times per course, up to a maximum of ten CE hours for a CMHC;(iv) seminar;(v) training session;(vi) synchronous distance learning course that is clearly documented as real-time and interactive;(vii) asynchronous distance learning course that is not real-time and interactive, up to a maximum of ten CE hours for a CMHC

Social Workers
Accepted Approvals
AllCEUs is approved by the Florida Board of Mental Health Counseling and Social Work and Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes PhD, LPC-MHSP, LMHC is a practicing clinician
(1) Under Sections 58-60-105 and 58-60-205.5, the continuing education (CE) requirements for each two-year renewal cycle beginning on October 1 of each even-numbered year, for an individual licensed under Title 58, Chapter 60, Part 2, Social Worker Licensing Act, shall:(a) be completed by an individual as follows:(i) 20 hours for SSW;(ii) 20 hours for CSW;(iii) 40 hours for LCSW;
(3) CE shall be:(a) approved, conducted, or under the sponsorship of one of the following:…(ii) county, state, or federal agency;(iii) professional association, or similar body, involved in clinical mental health therapy; or(iv) mental health agency that provides clinical mental health services;(b) completed in not less than 50-minute blocks of time in one of the following formats: (ii) conference…(iii) seminar;(iv) training session;(v) synchronous distance learning course that is clearly documented as real-time and interactive;(vi) asynchronous distance learning course that is not real-time and interactive, up to a maximum of:(A) eight hours for SSW;(B) eight hours for CSW; or(C) 15 CE hours for an LCSW;

Accepted Approvals:
(2) During each two year period commencing on October 1 of each even numbered year:(a) a licensed psychologist shall be required to complete not less than 48 hours of continuing education directly related to the licensee's professional practice;(b) a certified psychology resident shall be required to complete not less than 24 hours of continuing education directly related to professional practice….
(4) Continuing education under this section shall:(a) have an identifiable clear statement of purpose and defined objective for the educational program directly related to the practice of a psychologist;(b) be relevant to the licensee's professional practice;(c) be presented in a competent, well organized, and sequential manner consistent with the stated purpose and objective of the program;(d) be prepared and presented by individuals who are qualified by education, training, and experience; and(e) have associated with it a competent method of registration of individuals who actually completed the professional education program and records of that registration and completion are available for review.
(5) Credit for continuing education shall be recognized in accordance with the following:(a) Unlimited hours shall be recognized for continuing education completed in blocks of time of not less than one hour in formally established classroom courses, seminars, or conferences. …(e) A maximum of 18 hours per two year period may be recognized for Internet or distance learning courses that includes an examination, a completion certificate and recognized by the American Psychological Association or a state or province psychological association. **AllCEUs is not an APA approved provider, so our on-demand courses would likely not qualify.**

Continuing education courses on attachment theory, attachment trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES), attachment styles, abandonment anxiety and more.

Precertification/prelicensure curriculum and ongoing continuing education for addiction counselors, recovery support specialists and other addiction professionals.

Child Development & Parenting
Online courses on child development adolescent development, parenting skills and special needs of college students.

Diagnosis and Treatment
Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of common mental disorders in the DSM 5 TR and ICD-11

Goal Setting & Motivation
Explore goal setting best practices, types of motivation, ways to enhance motivation, causes for resistance and behavior modification techniques.

Integrative / Holistic & Neuropsychology
Learn about neurotransmitters, the relationship between hormones and mental health, the HPA, HPG and HPT-Axes; the gut brain axis and mental health; the importance of circadian rhythms on mental health, the connection between inflammation and mental illness and more.

Mindfulness & Meditation
Explore mindfulness and meditation practices and benefits for treating mental health issues, cognitive and attentional issues, pain, sleep disorders and more.

Older Adults
Explore unique needs of older adults, signs of dementia, dementia prevention strategies, special needs of caregivers, and communicating with the cognitively impaired.

Professional Development
Ethics, documentation, domestic violence, health and safety and supervision.

Tools and Techniques
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Person Centered Therapy. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. EMDR and more…

Trauma, Crisis and Suicide
Explore current best practices for assessment, early intervention and treatment of trauma, crisis and suicidal and nonsuicidal ideation.