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Coronavirus is causing many people stress. msnbc and fox news are covering the coronavirus outbreak and world health organization and centers for disease control recommendations. This video provide cognitive behavioral tools to reduce stress, anxiety and depression and help you cope with the health and mental health threats from the corona virus

Coronavirus Stress & Anxiety Cognitive Behavioral Tools & Life Hacks
 Identify why controlling stress and anxiety is important
 Describe cognitive behavioral tools and “life hacks” to address stress and anxiety during viral outbreaks
 Identifyresources to acquire accurate information about the virus
 Identify practical steps clinicians can encourage mainstream media to take to reduce the negative impact of the situation on the mental health of the general public.

Why is Controlling Stress and Anxiety important?
 Stress and anxiety cause the body’s threat response system (HPA-Axis) to be activated
 In the short term like when you get cut off in traffic, this system might be helpful
 When it stays activated for days or even weeks it causes
 Impaired sleep
 Difficulty concentrating
 Weight changes
 Fatigue
 Reduced immunity
 Irritability (behavioral issues in children)
 Reduced libido
 Increased risk of anxiety and depression
Cognitive Behavioral Tools
 Use fact-based reasoning
 Don’t confuse possibility with probability
 What is the probability it will happen to you AND be the worst cast scenario
 Practice Mindful Acceptance
 Notice how you feel without judgement
 Identify the options for dealing with the situation (including tolerating uncertainty)
 Choose an option to help you improve your next moment (instead of continuing to feed the anxiety)
 Engage in meaningful activities instead of channel surfing to find more of the same information that is causing your distress
 Get reliable facts and use fact based vs. emotional reasoning
 Stop trying to control things that are out of your control
 Figure out a way to make this an opportunity
 Live in the AND (This virus can exist AND I can have a rich and meaningful life / go to work)

Cognitive Behavioral Tools
 Be aware of all or nothing thinking or catastrophizing
 Make an effort to find the positives in your life
 See challenges as opportunities for growth
 Being in quarantine or community shut down allows me to…
 Accept that it is what it is and currently there are a lot of unknowns
 Anxiety and anger are normal reactions to abnormal situations
 You can choose to feed your distress or use your energy to do things to help you feel more empowered
 Unhook from your thoughts
Life Hacks
 Get your daily dose of news then TURN IT OFF if they insist on fear mongering
 Remember that the more anxious people are, the more they seek answers which equates to increased ratings. MSM benefits from your panic.
 Encourage your local stations to run stories on
 Avoid spending too much time on the internet with fear mongering clickbait
 Maintain your routine as much as possible
 Get sufficient quality sleep (even if you don’t have to go to work)
 Do something positive each day
 Focus on the positives for 10 minutes each day

Life Hacks
 Belly breathing
 Practice 5-4-3-2-1 mindfulness
 Make a list of 5 activities you can do to get your mind off the situation (balloon toss, painting, cooking, exercising, working, gardening)
 Identify 5 sensations that can help get your mind off the situation
 Be aware of other’s impact on you and your impact on others (including children)

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