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Trauma can occur due to death, victimization or events outside of one's control like coronavirus. Enhancing Trauma Resiliency with Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes provides insight into how we can use crisis as an opportunity for change and help people find the hero in their survival narratives. Resiliency is the ability to bounce back and trauma resiliency is the ability to not only survive a trauma but thrive.
Signs of Resilience
Optimism / Pessimism
Empowerment / Helplessness
Flexibility / Rigidity
Confidence / Meekness/Anxiety
Competence / Incompetence
Insightfulness / Lack of Insight
Perseverance / Gives Up Easily
Perspective / Lack of Perspective
Self Control / Dysregulation
Explore how mindfulness, psychological flexibility, distress tolerance skills, optimism, and more can enhance trauma resiliency.
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Also check out our other podcasts, Happiness Isn't Brain Surgery and Addiction Counselor Exam Review
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