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Child and Elder Abuse Prevention Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
#childabuse #prevention #elderabuse
ObjChild and Elder Abuse Prevention Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
#childabuse #prevention #elderabuse
~ Define the three types of prevention
~ Review risk factors for abuse
~ Identify strategies for preventing abuse and neglect
~ Discuss reasons prevention programs fail
3 Types of Prevention
~ Primary: Keep it from happening
~ Secondary: Prevent worsening
~ Caregiver: Verbally abusive or neglectful caregiver
~ Child or Elder: Anxiety, depression, low self esteem
~ Tertiary: Prevent additional issues

Risk Factor Review
~ High levels of stress and low or ineffective coping resources
~ History of abuse or neglect
~ Lack of social support
~ Financial instability or poverty
~ High emotional reliance on the elder or being seen as a “good parent”
~ Lack of skills in parenting or taking care of older adult (Children learn what they live)
~ Mental Health or Addiction Issues
~ Physical health issues
~ Child or elder with a disability
Strategy: Strengthen Economic Supports
~ Remote work opportunities
~ Affordable childcare or adult day care
~ Multisectorial, pro-business community (economic development zones, internet) to increase all job opportunities—for youth and adults
~ Transportation

Strategy: Social Norms Supporting Culturally Responsive Positive Caregiving
~ Motivational Enhancement
~ Although a broad range of programs has been developed and implemented by public and private agencies at many levels, little evidence supports the effectiveness of these programs.
~ PSAs
~ Library programs
~ Faith based programs
~ What else?

Strategy: Quality Accessible Care
~ Daycare (child or elder)
~ Schools (children)
~ Public or private
~ Homeschool co-ops
~ In home care
~ Case management
~ To meet biopsychosocial needs
~ To navigate the medical/insurance system in the case of elders or a child with a disability
Strategy: Parenting Skill Enhancement
~ Attachment Based Parenting
~ Consistency, Responsiveness, Attention, Validation, Encouragement, Support
~ Developmentally appropriate parenting strategies
Strategy: Early Intervention
~ See something, say something
~ Early Steps (children)
~ Pediatric referral
~ School counseling services

Strategy: Community Connection
~ Reduce isolation
~ Respite
~ Support services
~ Accessible, age-appropriate prosocial activities
~ Community
~ Reduce violence
~ What else?
Strategy: Enhance Mental Health
~ Nutrition services
~ Food pantries
~ Community gardens
~ Health education
~ Sleep access and hygiene
~ Stress Management
~ Coping and Resilience
~ Affordable, accessible mental health and addiction treatment

~ Prevention involves identifying
~ Caregiver factors causing them to be stressed and susceptible to dysregulation (PACER) (and interventions)
~ Child and elder factors that might add distress to the caregiver (PACER) (and interventions)
~ Exploring ways to enhance engagement
