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Pornography addiction is a compulsive need to consume pornographic content despite experiencing negative consequences as a result of use. This can interfere with a person's ability to function in their professional and personal lives.  It is currently recognized by the World Health Organization under the diagnosis of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder.  It is a debilitating problem that affects millions of people worldwide. There are several strategies to treat pornography addiction, including psychotherapy, medication-assisted treatments, lifestyle changes, and peer support.


Psychotherapy is a common treatment modality for porn addiction, aiming to address the underlying issues that contribute to the addiction. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular approach that helps individuals identify, challenge, and change their negative thought patterns and behaviors.  In my self-help program at I provide 14 segments each with a video and associated worksheets and activities as well as moderated support forums to help people apply cognitive-behavioral principles.

Medication-Assisted Treatments

Medication-assisted treatments can be used to address underlying mental health disorders that may be contributing to the addiction. These treatments include things like Naltrexone and must be prescribed and monitored by a healthcare professional.

Lifestyle Changes

Implementing lifestyle changes is also essential for individuals overcoming pornography addiction. Some strategies include:

  1. Eliminating access to pornography: Deleting all pornographic material and installing filters on electronic devices to block pornographic content and sites
  2. Identifying triggers: Keeping a journal to track when and where the urge to watch pornography occurs, and documenting potential triggers
  3. Developing healthy coping mechanisms: Engaging in alternative activities when the urge to watch porn arises and practicing mindfulness to help manage cravings
  4. Establishing a support system: Seeking help from friends, family, or support groups to provide encouragement and accountability
  5. Addressing mental health issues: Seeking professional help to address any underlying mental health disorders that may be contributing to the addiction

Peer Support

Peer support can be an essential component of overcoming pornography addiction. Support groups and online forums can provide a safe space for individuals to share their experiences, challenges, and successes with others who understand their struggles.  Not all support groups are created equal.  It is beneficial to have a group that is moderated so that it remains a safe place to visit (unlike Reddit forums that can be trolled) and know that you will receive compassionate responses.


Overcoming pornography addiction is a challenging but achievable goal. By recognizing the signs of addiction, understanding triggers, and implementing effective strategies, individuals can successfully break free from the grasp of this addiction and regain control of their lives

The program at is designed to be a launchpad for recovery. Most therapists, even sex therapists, have not been taught about the neurobiology and unique issues involved in pornography addiction. Currently, Dr. Snipes is not taking new clients. If you are a therapist providing counseling to someone with pornography addiction, I encourage you to have them sign up for our program and you can work through the materials together.