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Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes Executive Director, AllCEUs
2. Examine the biological (physical) impact of addiction on the individual Examine the psychological impact of addiction on the individual Examine the social impact of addiction on the individual
3. Direct ◦ Tolerance ◦ Withdrawal
4. Basic Neurobiology ◦ Addiction release of dopamine ◦ Drugs prevent the reuptake of dopamine abnormally high levels in the brain desensitization of Dopamine receptors ◦ Addictive behavior can deplete the dopamine in the presynaptic neuron
5. Indirect ◦ Reduced Immunity ◦ Disease (Hepatitis, HIV, TB, MRSA) ◦ More rapid aging ◦ Sleep difficulties ◦ Nutritional deficits
6. Direct ◦ Euphoria/Relaxation ◦ Depression/ Lack of pleasure Insufficient dopamine Serotonin Imbalance ◦ Anxiety As serotonin goes down, acetylcholine goes up
7. Indirect ◦ Depression and/or anxiety due to: Lack of sleep Malnutrition Guilt Being overwhelmed by the mess Initial “pain” still there
8. Isolation Loss of supportive, healthy relationships ◦ Pushed away ◦ Chose to leave New friends share same dysfunctional thinking ◦ Stinkin’ Thinkin’: Minimization, rationalization, blaming ◦ Cognitive Distortions
9. Someone who has become physiologically less able to experience happiness or pleasure Leading to a desire to find that feeling (addiction) And keep that feeling (protect the addiction at all costs)
10. Author of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction
11. Addiction has both direct and indirect consequences for the person ◦ Biologically/Physically ◦ Psychologically ◦ Interpersonally
12. All aspects of the person in recovery must be addressed. ◦ It is hard to change your thinking when you don’t feel well ◦ It is hard to change physical habits when you are depressed and unmotivated ◦ It is hard to change thinking or health habits without social support (one of our greatest stress buffers)
13. If you have watched and participated in this program for CEUs, login to the classroom at AllCEUs.com and take the quiz. If you have watched and participated in this presentation, and want CEUs, but have not yet registered, purchase access to the quiz and certificate at: https://allceus.com/live- interactive-webinars/
14. This presentation was recorded as part of a live, interactive webinar. If you are watching it on replay, please remember you can contact her on her personal chat page: https://purechat.me/cuetvx AllCEUs.com Unlimited Online CEUs $59 | Interactive Webinars $5